CAFCASS stands for Children and Family Court Advisory and Support Service, which is a non- departmental public body in England. It is an organisation that represents the interests of children and young people in the Family Court in England.
Cafcass is independent of the Courts and Social Services but works under the rules of the Family Court and legislation to work with children and their families and then to advise the Courts as to what is considered to be in the best interests of the individual child. Their focus is on the needs, wishes and feelings of the child making sure that children’s voices are heard and are at the heart of the thinking and decision making of the Family Court. Their duties are to safeguard and promote the welfare of children going through the family justice system.
Generally once an application concerning a child is lodged with the Family Court the matter will be referred to a Cafcass officer to provide a safeguarding report. Such a report will include a social services and criminal record check on you and the other parent and any concerns that you and the other parent may have about the safety and welfare of your child/children. The Cafcass officer will contact you to assist them in finding out this information.
Usually that report will be provided in advance of the first Court hearing and the report may include recommendations of the Cafcass officer that the Court will consider in terms of the case going forwards.
In matters where agreement cannot be reached at the first hearing, the Court may direct the Cafcass officer to file a full report which will usually involve a meeting with you and the other parent and the child/children and will conclude with a recommendation as to what they feel is in the best interests of the child. The Cafcass officer who will be directed to prepare this report will not be the same Cafcass officer who undertook the initial safeguarding.
For advice and assistance in relation to any queries you have in relation to applying to the Court for an order regarding your child please do not hesitate to contact us on 01257 228027 or by email to arrange a free 30-minute consultation.